I am delighted to announce that the electronic version of R2R is now available for pre-order on Amazon, for the introductory price of $5.99 for the first two weeks.
The release is scheduled for November 27th. Apparently the way this works is that any pre-orders are counted in the sales figures on that first day - and contribute to an instant 'spike' in popularity - which puts it further up search lists, which in turn ensures more publicity and more chance that others might get to hear about it.... You get the gist.
Can I invite you to consider placing a pre-order, with the goal of generating a groundswell of interest. And I am unashamed in asking you to advertise, re-post, share, blog, whatever you feel comfortable with doing, so that the news of the book can get out there - beyond church circles, beyond Christchurch, beyond New Zealand shores.
Buy from Amazon...